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Your Home Could Have Hidden Asbestos

You may think you have no or very little asbestos in your home, but you might have the material in some surprising places. If your home was built before the 1980s, then you could have hidden asbestos. Asbestos is not just in the ceiling or insulation. It was used for a wide variety of products. If any of these items are deteriorating or destroyed, then the material is a health hazard. Here is more information about hidden asbestos in the home and signs you need asbestos removal.

Asbestos in Your Attic

If you haven't had your attic renovated recently, then be on the safe side and assume the attic's insulation contains asbestos. Even if it looks like something else, it could still contain some asbestos. Don't touch or attempt to remove it without having it tested.

Asbestos in Your Roof

Asbestos has excellent heat resistance, so it was a popular material for some roofing materials. Tiles, coating, and felt can all contain asbestos. However, most roofs that still contain these materials would be very old. If your roof was replaced in the last thirty years, then your material was likely updated.

Asbestos in or on Your Walls

A wide variety of wall materials from insulation to window treatments contained asbestos. It was commonly used in materials near a heat source like a fireplace or stove. Some wallpapers even had asbestos, but they are generally not a problem if not torn or worn. Some fire-resistant fabric curtains may contain asbestos as well.

Asbestos in Your Floor

If your floor has old tiles or vinyl, then it could have asbestos. In some cases, vinyl floors were laid over each other. So while your current layer may have no asbestos, a previous layer might. If you plan to remove this flooring, be sure to investigate this material.

Asbestos Around Your Pipes

Asbestos insulation was very common around pipes and water heaters. Sometimes, the asbestos was not in obvious forms. For example, asbestos was often embedded into tapes and even ropes. The material may look harmless but could release asbestos fiber if disturbed.

Most of the time, asbestos doesn't cause a problem unless it's damaged. However, it's important to know where it is in case you plan to do renovations. Some asbestos problems are repairable, but the only cure for the problem is complete removal. Call in an asbestos abatement company to professionally and safely remove the damaged asbestos. That way it won't cause a problem for you or your family.
